Functions to transform rotational frame quantities
Package Frames contains type definitions and functions to transform rotational frame quantities. The basic idea is to hide the actual definition of an orientation in this package by providing essentially type Orientation together with functions operating on instances of this type.
In the table below an example is given for every function definition. The used variables have the following declaration:
Frames.Orientation R, R1, R2, R_rel, R_inv; Real[3,3] T, T_inv; Real[3] v1, v2, w1, w2, n_x, n_y, n_z, e, e_x, res_ori, phi; Real[6] res_equal; Real L, angle;
Function/type | Description |
Orientation R; | New type defining an orientation object that describes the rotation of frame 1 into frame 2. |
res_ori = orientationConstraint(R); | Return the constraints between the variables of an orientation object (shall be zero). |
w1 = angularVelocity1(R); | Return angular velocity resolved in frame 1 from orientation object R. |
w2 = angularVelocity2(R); | Return angular velocity resolved in frame 2 from orientation object R. |
v1 = resolve1(R,v2); | Transform vector v2 from frame 2 to frame 1. |
v2 = resolve2(R,v1); | Transform vector v1 from frame 1 to frame 2. |
v2 = resolveRelative(v1,R1,R2); | Transform vector v1 from frame 1 to frame 2 using absolute orientation objects R1 of frame 1 and R2 of frame 2. |
D1 = resolveDyade1(R,D2); | Transform second order tensor D2 from frame 2 to frame 1. |
D2 = resolveDyade2(R,D1); | Transform second order tensor D1 from frame 1 to frame 2. |
R = nullRotation() | Return orientation object R that does not rotate a frame. |
R_inv = inverseRotation(R); | Return inverse orientation object. |
R_rel = relativeRotation(R1,R2); | Return relative orientation object from two absolute orientation objects. |
R2 = absoluteRotation(R1,R_rel); | Return absolute orientation object from another
absolute and a relative orientation object. |
R = planarRotation(e, angle, der_angle); | Return orientation object of a planar rotation. |
angle = planarRotationAngle(e, v1, v2); | Return angle of a planar rotation, given the rotation axis and the representations of a vector in frame 1 and frame 2. |
R = axisRotation(axis, angle, der_angle); | Return orientation object R to rotate around angle along axis of frame 1. |
R = axesRotations(sequence, angles, der_angles); | Return rotation object to rotate in sequence around 3 axes. Example: R = axesRotations({1,2,3},{pi/2,pi/4,-pi}, zeros(3)); |
angles = axesRotationsAngles(R, sequence); | Return the 3 angles to rotate in sequence around 3 axes to construct the given orientation object. |
phi = smallRotation(R); | Return rotation angles phi valid for a small rotation R. |
R = from_nxy(n_x, n_y); | Return orientation object from n_x and n_y vectors. |
R = from_nxz(n_x, n_z); | Return orientation object from n_x and n_z vectors. |
R = from_T(T,w); | Return orientation object R from transformation matrix T and its angular velocity w. |
R = from_T2(T,der(T)); | Return orientation object R from transformation matrix T and its derivative der(T). |
R = from_T_inv(T_inv,w); | Return orientation object R from inverse transformation matrix T_inv and its angular velocity w. |
R = from_Q(Q,w); | Return orientation object R from quaternion orientation object Q and its angular velocity w. |
T = to_T(R); | Return transformation matrix T from orientation object R. |
T_inv = to_T_inv(R); | Return inverse transformation matrix T_inv from orientation object R. |
Q = to_Q(R); | Return quaternion orientation object Q from orientation object R. |
exy = to_exy(R); | Return [e_x, e_y] matrix of an orientation object R, with e_x and e_y vectors of frame 2, resolved in frame 1. |
L = length(n_x); | Return length L of a vector n_x. |
e_x = normalize(n_x); | Return normalized vector e_x of n_x such that length of e_x is one. |
e = axis(i); | Return unit vector e directed along axis i |
Quaternions | Package with functions to transform rotational frame quantities based on quaternions (also called Euler parameters). |
TransformationMatrices | Package with functions to transform rotational frame quantities based on transformation matrices. |
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).
Name | Description |
![]() |
Orientation object defining rotation from a frame 1 into a frame 2 |
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Return residues of orientation constraints (shall be zero) |
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Return angular velocity resolved in frame 1 from orientation object |
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Return angular velocity resolved in frame 2 from orientation object |
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Transform vector from frame 2 to frame 1 |
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Transform vector from frame 1 to frame 2 |
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Transform vector from frame 1 to frame 2 using absolute orientation objects of frame 1 and of frame 2 |
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Transform second order tensor from frame 2 to frame 1 |
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Transform second order tensor from frame 1 to frame 2 |
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Return orientation object that does not rotate a frame |
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Return inverse orientation object |
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Return relative orientation object |
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Return absolute orientation object from another absolute and a relative orientation object |
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Return orientation object of a planar rotation |
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Return angle of a planar rotation, given the rotation axis and the representations of a vector in frame 1 and frame 2 |
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Return rotation object to rotate around an angle along one frame axis |
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Return fixed rotation object to rotate in sequence around fixed angles along 3 axes |
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Return the 3 angles to rotate in sequence around 3 axes to construct the given orientation object |
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Return rotation angles valid for a small rotation and optionally residues that should be zero |
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Return fixed orientation object from n_x and n_y vectors |
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Return fixed orientation object from n_x and n_z vectors |
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Return orientation object R from transformation matrix T |
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Return orientation object R from transformation matrix T and its derivative der(T) |
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Return orientation object R from inverse transformation matrix T_inv |
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Return orientation object R from quaternion orientation object Q |
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Return transformation matrix T from orientation object R |
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Return inverse transformation matrix T_inv from orientation object R |
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Return quaternion orientation object Q from orientation object R |
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Map rotation object into vector |
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Map rotation object into e_x and e_y vectors of frame 2, resolved in frame 1 |
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Return unit vector for x-, y-, or z-axis |
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Functions to transform rotational frame quantities based on quaternions (also called Euler parameters) |
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Functions for transformation matrices |
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Internal definitions that may be removed or changed (do not use) |
Orientation object defining rotation from a frame 1 into a frame 2
This object describes the rotation from a frame 1 into a frame 2. An instance of this type should never be directly accessed but only with the access functions provided in package Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Frames. As a consequence, it is not necessary to know the internal representation of this object as described in the next paragraphs.
"Orientation" is defined to be a record consisting of two elements: "Real T[3,3]", the transformation matrix to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 and "Real w[3]", the angular velocity of frame 2 with respect to frame 1, resolved in frame 2. Element "T" has the following interpretation:
Orientation R; R.T = [ex, ey, ez]; e.g., R.T = [1,0,0; 0,1,0; 0,0,1]
where ex,ey,ez are unit vectors in the direction of the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis of frame 1, resolved in frame 2, respectively. Therefore, if v1 is vector v resolved in frame 1 and v2 is vector v resolved in frame 2, the following relationship holds:
v2 = R.T * v1
The inverse orientation R_inv.T = R.TT describes the rotation from frame 2 into frame 1.
Since the orientation is described by 9 variables, there are 6 constraints between these variables. These constraints are defined in function Frames.orientationConstraint.
R.w is the angular velocity of frame 2 with respect to frame 1, resolved
in frame 2. Formally, R.w is defined as:
skew(R.w) = R.T*der(transpose(R.T))
| 0 -w[3] w[2] | skew(w) = | w[3] 0 -w[1] | | -w[2] w[1] 0 |
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record (Icon for records).
Return residues of orientation constraints (shall be zero)
residue = Frames.orientationConstraint(R);
The function call Frames.orientationConstraint(R)
returns the Real residue vector
with 6 elements that describes the constraints between the 9 elements of the orientation matrix.
TransformationMatrices.orientationConstraint, Quaternions.orientationConstraint.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
R | Orientation object to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 |
Name | Description |
residue[6] | Residues of constraints between elements of orientation object (shall be zero) |
Return angular velocity resolved in frame 1 from orientation object
w = Frames.angularVelocity1(R);
The function call Frames.angularVelocity1(R12)
the angular velocity w of frame 2 with respect to frame 1, resolved in frame 1,
from the orientation object R12 that describes the orientation to rotate frame 1 into frame 2.
TransformationMatrices.angularVelocity1, Quaternions.angularVelocity1.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
R | Orientation object to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 |
Name | Description |
w[3] | Angular velocity of frame 2 with respect to frame 1 resolved in frame 1 [rad/s] |
Return angular velocity resolved in frame 2 from orientation object
w = Frames.angularVelocity2(R);
The function call Frames.angularVelocity1(R12)
the angular velocity w of frame 2 with respect to frame 1, resolved in frame 2,
from the orientation object R12 that describes the orientation to rotate frame 1 into frame 2.
TransformationMatrices.angularVelocity2, Quaternions.angularVelocity2.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
R | Orientation object to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 |
Name | Description |
w[3] | Angular velocity of frame 2 with respect to frame 1 resolved in frame 2 [rad/s] |
Transform vector from frame 2 to frame 1
v1 = Frames.resolve1(R, v2);
The function call Frames.resolve1(R12, v2)
returns vector v
resolved in frame 1 (= v1) from vector v resolved in frame 2 (= v2) using the
orientation object R12 that describes the orientation to rotate frame 1 into frame 2.
resolve2, TransformationMatrices.resolve1, Quaternions.resolve1.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
R | Orientation object to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 |
v2[3] | Vector in frame 2 |
Name | Description |
v1[3] | Vector in frame 1 |
Transform vector from frame 1 to frame 2
v2 = Frames.resolve2(R, v1);
The function call Frames.resolve2(R12, v1)
returns vector v
resolved in frame 2 (= v2) from vector v resolved in frame 1 (= v1) using the
orientation object R12 that describes the orientation to rotate frame 1 into frame 2.
resolve1, TransformationMatrices.resolve2, Quaternions.resolve2.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
R | Orientation object to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 |
v1[3] | Vector in frame 1 |
Name | Description |
v2[3] | Vector in frame 2 |
Transform vector from frame 1 to frame 2 using absolute orientation objects of frame 1 and of frame 2
v2 = Frames.resolveRelative(v1, R1, R2);
The function call Frames.resolveRelative(v1,R1,R2)
returns vector v
resolved in frame 2 (= v1) from vector v resolved in frame 1 (= v1) given the
orientation object R1 that describes the orientation to rotate frame 0 into frame 1 and
orientation object R2 that describes the orientation to rotate frame 0 into frame 2.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
v1[3] | Vector in frame 1 |
R1 | Orientation object to rotate frame 0 into frame 1 |
R2 | Orientation object to rotate frame 0 into frame 2 |
Name | Description |
v2[3] | Vector in frame 2 |
Transform second order tensor from frame 2 to frame 1
D1 = Frames.resolveDyade1(R, D2);
The function call Frames.Dyade1(R12, D2)
returns the second order tensor D
resolved in frame 1 (= D1) from its representation in frame 2 (= D2) using the
orientation object R12 that describes the orientation to rotate frame 1 into frame 2.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
R | Orientation object to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 |
D2[3, 3] | Second order tensor resolved in frame 2 |
Name | Description |
D1[3, 3] | Second order tensor resolved in frame 1 |
Transform second order tensor from frame 1 to frame 2
D2 = Frames.resolveDyade2(R, D1);
The function call Frames.Dyade2(R12, D1)
returns the second order tensor D
resolved in frame 2 (= D2) from its representation in frame 1 (= D1) using the
orientation object R12 that describes the orientation to rotate frame 1 into frame 2.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
R | Orientation object to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 |
D1[3, 3] | Second order tensor resolved in frame 1 |
Name | Description |
D2[3, 3] | Second order tensor resolved in frame 2 |
Return orientation object that does not rotate a frame
R = Frames.nullRotation();
The function call Frames.nullRotation()
returns an orientation matrix R
describing the orientation object to rotate frame 1 into frame 2, if frame 1 and frame 2 are identical.
(= transformation matrix is identity matrix and angular velocity is zero).
TransformationMatrices.nullRotation, Quaternions.nullRotation.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
R | Orientation object such that frame 1 and frame 2 are identical |
Return inverse orientation object
R_inv = Frames.inverseRotation(R);
The function call Frames.inverseRotation(R)
orientation object R_inv that describes the orientation to rotate from frame 2 to frame 1
from the orientation object R that describes the orientation to rotate from frame 1 into frame 2.
TransformationMatrices.inverseRotation, Quaternions.inverseRotation.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
R | Orientation object to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 |
Name | Description |
R_inv | Orientation object to rotate frame 2 into frame 1 |
Return relative orientation object
R_rel = Frames.relativeRotation(R1,R2);
The function call Frames.relativeRotation(R1,R2)
orientation object R_rel that describes the orientation to rotate frame 1 to frame 2
from the orientation object R1 that describes the orientation to rotate from frame 0 to frame 1 and
from the orientation object R2 that describes the orientation to rotate from frame 0 to frame 2.
TransformationMatrices.relativeRotation, Quaternions.relativeRotation.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
R1 | Orientation object to rotate frame 0 into frame 1 |
R2 | Orientation object to rotate frame 0 into frame 2 |
Name | Description |
R_rel | Orientation object to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 |
Return absolute orientation object from another absolute and a relative orientation object
R2 = Frames.absoluteRotation(R1,R_rel);
The function call Frames.absoluteRotation(R1,R_rel)
orientation object R2 that describes the orientation frame 0 to frame 2
from the orientation object R1 that describes the orientation to rotate from frame 0 to frame 1 and
from the relative orientation object R_rel that describes the orientation to rotate from frame 1 to frame 2.
TransformationMatrices.absoluteRotation, Quaternions.absoluteRotation.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
R1 | Orientation object to rotate frame 0 into frame 1 |
R_rel | Orientation object to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 |
Name | Description |
R2 | Orientation object to rotate frame 0 into frame 2 |
Return orientation object of a planar rotation
R = Frames.planarRotation(e, angle, der_angle);
The function call Frames.planarRotation(e, angle, der_angle)
orientation object R that describes the orientation to rotate in the plane along unit
axis e from frame 1 into frame 2 with angle angle and derivative of angle der_angle.
Note, "e" must be a unit vector. However, this is not checked in this function and the function will
return a wrong result, if length(e) is not one.
planarRotationAngle, TransformationMatrices.planarRotation, Quaternions.planarRotation.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
e[3] | Normalized axis of rotation (must have length=1) [1] |
angle | Rotation angle to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 along axis e [rad] |
der_angle | = der(angle) [rad/s] |
Name | Description |
R | Orientation object to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 |
Return angle of a planar rotation, given the rotation axis and the representations of a vector in frame 1 and frame 2
angle = Frames.planarRotationAngle(e, v1, v2);
A call to this function of the form
Real[3] e, v1, v2; SI.Angle angle; equation angle = planarRotationAngle(e, v1, v2);
computes the rotation angle "angle" of a planar rotation along unit vector e, rotating frame 1 into frame 2, given the coordinate representations of a vector "v" in frame 1 (v1) and in frame 2 (v2). Therefore, the result of this function fulfills the following equation:
v2 = resolve2(planarRotation(e,angle), v1)
The rotation angle is returned in the range
-π <= angle <= π
This function makes the following assumptions on the input arguments
The function does not check the above assumptions. If these assumptions are violated, a wrong result will be returned and/or a division by zero will occur.
planarRotation, TransformationMatrices.planarRotationAngle.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
e[3] | Normalized axis of rotation to rotate frame 1 around e into frame 2 (must have length=1) [1] |
v1[3] | A vector v resolved in frame 1 (shall not be parallel to e) |
v2[3] | Vector v resolved in frame 2, i.e., v2 = resolve2(planarRotation(e,angle),v1) |
Name | Description |
angle | Rotation angle to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 along axis e in the range: -pi <= angle <= pi [rad] |
Return rotation object to rotate around an angle along one frame axis
R = Frames.axisRotation(axis, angle, der_angle);
The function call Frames.axisRotation(axis, angle, der_angle)
orientation object R
that describes the orientation to rotate along unit axis axis
from frame 1 into frame 2 with angle angle and derivative of angle der_angle.
For example, Frames.axisRotation(2, phi, der_phi) returns the same orientation object as with the call
Frames.planarRotation({0,1,0}, phi, der_phi)
planarRotation, TransformationMatrices.axisRotation.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
axis | Rotate around 'axis' of frame 1 |
angle | Rotation angle to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 along 'axis' of frame 1 [rad] |
der_angle | = der(angle) [rad/s] |
Name | Description |
R | Orientation object to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 |
Return fixed rotation object to rotate in sequence around fixed angles along 3 axes
R = Frames.axesRotations(sequence, angles, der_angles);
This function returns orientation object R that describes the orientation defined by three elementary rotations in a given sequence, each rotated by angles. The angular velocity vector R.w is calculated from the angle derivatives der_angles.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
sequence[3] | Sequence of rotations from frame 1 to frame 2 along axis sequence[i] |
angles[3] | Rotation angles around the axes defined in 'sequence' [rad] |
der_angles[3] | = der(angles) [rad/s] |
Name | Description |
R | Orientation object to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 |
Return the 3 angles to rotate in sequence around 3 axes to construct the given orientation object
angles = Frames.axesRotationsAngles(R, sequence, guessAngle1);
A call to this function of the form
Frames.Orientation R; parameter Integer sequence[3] = {1,2,3}; SI.Angle angles[3]; equation angle = axesRotationAngles(R, sequence);
computes the rotation angles "angles[1:3]" to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 along axes sequence[1:3], given the orientation object R from frame 1 to frame 2. Therefore, the result of this function fulfills the following equation:
R = axesRotation(sequence, angles)
The rotation angles are returned in the range
-π <= angles[i] <= π
There are two solutions for "angles[1]" in this range. Via the third argument guessAngle1 (default = 0) the returned solution is selected such that |angles[1] - guessAngle1| is minimal. The orientation object R may be in a singular configuration, i.e., there is an infinite number of angle values leading to the same R. The returned solution is selected by setting angles[1] = guessAngle1. Then angles[2] and angles[3] can be uniquely determined in the above range.
Note, that input argument sequence has the restriction that only values 1,2,3 can be used and that sequence[1] ≠ sequence[2] and sequence[2] ≠ sequence[3]. Often used values are:
sequence = {1,2,3} // Cardan angle sequence = {3,1,3} // Euler angle sequence = {3,2,1} // Tait-Bryan angle sequence
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
R | Orientation object to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 |
sequence[3] | Sequence of rotations from frame 1 to frame 2 along axis sequence[i] |
guessAngle1 | Select angles[1] such that |angles[1] - guessAngle1| is a minimum [rad] |
Name | Description |
angles[3] | Rotation angles around the axes defined in 'sequence' such that R=Frames.axesRotation(sequence,angles); -pi < angles[i] <= pi [rad] |
Return rotation angles valid for a small rotation and optionally residues that should be zero
phi = Frames.smallRotation(R, withResidues);
This function returns rotation angles valid for a small rotation of x-y-z sequence (i.e. {1,2,3}).
Optionally, residues are returned as well if withResidues=true
TransformationMatrices.smallRotation, Quaternions.smallRotation.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
R | Orientation object to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 |
withResidues | = false/true, if 'angles'/'angles and residues' are returned in phi |
Name | Description |
phi[if withResidues then 6 else 3] | The rotation angles around x-, y-, and z-axis of frame 1 to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 for a small rotation + optionally 3 residues that should be zero [rad] |
Return fixed orientation object from n_x and n_y vectors
R = Frames.from_nxy(n_x, n_y);
It is assumed that the two input vectors n_x and n_y are resolved in frame 1 and are directed along the x and y axis of frame 2 (i.e., n_x and n_y are orthogonal to each other). The function returns the orientation object R to rotate from frame 1 to frame 2.
The function is robust in the sense that it returns always
an orientation object R, even if n_y is not orthogonal to n_x.
This is performed in the following way:
If n_x and n_y are not orthogonal to each other, first a unit
vector e_y is determined that is orthogonal to n_x and is lying
in the plane spanned by n_x and n_y. If n_x and n_y are parallel
or nearly parallel to each other, a vector e_y is selected
arbitrarily such that e_x and e_y are orthogonal to each other.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
n_x[3] | Vector in direction of x-axis of frame 2, resolved in frame 1 [1] |
n_y[3] | Vector in direction of y-axis of frame 2, resolved in frame 1 [1] |
Name | Description |
R | Orientation object to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 |
Return fixed orientation object from n_x and n_z vectors
R = Frames.from_nxz(n_x, n_z);
It is assumed that the two input vectors n_x and n_z are resolved in frame 1 and are directed along the x and z axis of frame 2 (i.e., n_x and n_z are orthogonal to each other). The function returns the orientation object R to rotate from frame 1 to frame 2.
The function is robust in the sense that it always returns
an orientation object R, even if n_z is not orthogonal to n_x.
This is performed in the following way:
If n_x and n_z are not orthogonal to each other, first a unit
vector e_z is determined that is orthogonal to n_x and is lying
in the plane spanned by n_x and n_z. If n_x and n_z are parallel
or nearly parallel to each other, a vector e_z is selected
arbitrarily such that n_x and e_z are orthogonal to each other.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
n_x[3] | Vector in direction of x-axis of frame 2, resolved in frame 1 [1] |
n_z[3] | Vector in direction of z-axis of frame 2, resolved in frame 1 [1] |
Name | Description |
R | Orientation object to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 |
Return orientation object R from transformation matrix T
R = Frames.from_T(T, w);
This function returns an orientation object R assembled from a transformation matrix T and an angular velocity vector w. Generally, the transformation matrix T can be gained using a function from the TransformationMatrices package.
to_T. from_T_inv, TransformationMatrices.from_T, Quaternions.from_T.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
T[3, 3] | Transformation matrix to transform vector from frame 1 to frame 2 (v2=T*v1) |
w[3] | Angular velocity from frame 2 with respect to frame 1, resolved in frame 2 (skew(w)=T*der(transpose(T))) [rad/s] |
Name | Description |
R | Orientation object to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 |
Return orientation object R from transformation matrix T and its derivative der(T)
R = Frames.from_T2(T, der_T);
Computes the orientation object from a transformation matrix T and the derivative der(T) of the transformation matrix. Usually, it is more efficient to use function "from_T" instead, where the angular velocity has to be given as input argument. Only if this is not possible or too difficult to compute, use function from_T2(…).
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
T[3, 3] | Transformation matrix to transform vector from frame 1 to frame 2 (v2=T*v1) |
der_T[3, 3] | = der(T) |
Name | Description |
R | Orientation object to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 |
Return orientation object R from inverse transformation matrix T_inv
R = Frames.from_T_inv(T_inv, w);
This function returns an orientation object R assembled from an inverse transformation matrix T_inv and a correspondent angular velocity vector w. Generally, the transformation matrix T_inv can be gained using a function from the TransformationMatrices package, e.g. using T_inv = inverseRotation(T). Note that the velocity vector w has to be calculated accordingly.
from_T, TransformationMatrices.from_T_inv, Quaternions.from_T_inv.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
T_inv[3, 3] | Inverse transformation matrix to transform vector from frame 2 to frame 1 (v1=T_inv*v2) |
w[3] | Angular velocity from frame 1 with respect to frame 2, resolved in frame 1 (skew(w)=T_inv*der(transpose(T_inv))) [rad/s] |
Name | Description |
R | Orientation object to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 |
Return orientation object R from quaternion orientation object Q
R = Frames.from_Q(Q, w);
This function returns an orientation object R computed from a quaternion object Q and an angular velocity vector w.
to_Q. TransformationMatrices.from_Q.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
Q | Quaternions orientation object to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 |
w[3] | Angular velocity from frame 2 with respect to frame 1, resolved in frame 2 [rad/s] |
Name | Description |
R | Orientation object to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 |
Return transformation matrix T from orientation object R
T = Frames.to_T(R);
This function returns a real matrix T computed from an orientation object R. The matrix T is considered to be an object transformation matrix.
from_T, to_T_inv, TransformationMatrices.to_T, Quaternions.to_T.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
R | Orientation object to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 |
Name | Description |
T[3, 3] | Transformation matrix to transform vector from frame 1 to frame 2 (v2=T*v1) |
Return inverse transformation matrix T_inv from orientation object R
T_inv = Frames.to_T_inv(R);
This function returns a real matrix T_inv computed from an orientation object R. The matrix T_inv is considered to be an inverse transformation matrix.
from_T_inv, to_T, TransformationMatrices.to_T_inv, Quaternions.to_T_inv.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
R | Orientation object to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 |
Name | Description |
T_inv[3, 3] | Inverse transformation matrix to transform vector from frame 2 into frame 1 (v1=T_inv*v2) |
Return quaternion orientation object Q from orientation object R
Q = Frames.to_Q(R, Q_guess);
This function returns a quaternion object Q computed from an orientation object R and depending on the initial guess Q_guess.
from_Q, TransformationMatrices.to_Q.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
R | Orientation object to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 |
Q_guess | Guess value for output Q (there are 2 solutions; the one closer to Q_guess is used) |
Name | Description |
Q | Quaternions orientation object to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 |
Map rotation object into vector
vec = Frames.to_vector(R);
This function returns a vector vec which contains elements of a transformation matrix T computed from an orientation object R.
to_T, TransformationMatrices.to_vector.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
R | Orientation object to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 |
Name | Description |
vec[9] | Elements of R in one vector |
Map rotation object into e_x and e_y vectors of frame 2, resolved in frame 1
exy = Frames.to_exy(R);
This function returns unit vectors e_x and e_y which define axes of frame 2 resolved in frame 1, provided R is an orientation object to rotate frame 1 into frame 2.
from_nxy, from_nxz, TransformationMatrices.to_exy.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
R | Orientation object to rotate frame 1 into frame 2 |
Name | Description |
exy[3, 2] | = [e_x, e_y] where e_x and e_y are axes unit vectors of frame 2, resolved in frame 1 |
Return unit vector for x-, y-, or z-axis
e = Frames.axis(axis);
A unit vector e is returned depending on whether x-, y-, or z-axis is required.
axis | e -------+----------- 1 | {1,0,0} 2 | {1,0,0} 3 | {1,0,0}
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
axis | Axis vector to be returned |
Name | Description |
e[3] | Unit axis vector [1] |